Similar Leaf-litter Toad (Leptolalax isos)
Rowley, Stuart, Neang, Hoang, Dau, Nguyen, and Emmett, 2015
Sometimes looks can be deceiving. The Similar Leaf-litter Toad (Leptolalax isos) is nearly identical in appearance to Firth’s Leaf-litter Toad (Leptolalax firthi), and it was only a detailed look at body size, advertisement calls and DNA that revealed that it was a distinct species. First seen in Virachey National Park in Cambodia in 2006, it was only after finding the species again in adjacent Vietnam, and recording its call, that we were able to describe the species as new.
The Similar Leaf-litter Toad is only known from 650–1100 m elevation in northeastern Cambodia and central Vietnam. Habitat within the range of the new species is threatened by deforestation and upstream hydroelectric dams.